Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home again, home again.

Greetings from the northeast,
The air here today seems to be very heavy, like it wants to rain, but it doesn't. This is the first time I have ever blogged, and I am not sure that anyone will ever read this. I am going to fill this blog with stories that amuse me, mainly about my three sons, and an occasional mention of my dog.
We were on vacation this week in central PA. we did Hershey park and Amish country. Interesting people those Amish, the younger ones seem a little unruly, one of them actually burped at us!
I have come to the conclusion that my two younger sons are too young for vacation, they were out of their space and off any kind of routine, and man oh man! did we pay, between the crying jags and the exploding diapers life could not have been any better( insert sarcasm here).
We are back home now and no worse for the ware, I am back to my diet tomorrow, I think I may have gained three pounds, but who's counting? : ) I was on vacation, and all of my children made it back alive!


  1. I'll read! I'll put it on my blogroll so I can keep track of it. I'll probably even comment.

  2. I'll read too of course!!! Awesome...I thought about starting a blog too, but never make the time.

  3. Well, now you know at least three people read your Blog! Sounds like you had fun. Good luck assimilating back into life in Bristol!
